Church activities

Evangelical Church in activities

Jesus March

The Evangelical Church on the march for Jesus in Bissau. On this occasion, Christians proclaimed the gospel to the Guinean people and prayed in favor of the Guinean nation and the whole world.

Funeral of Domingas Arriaga

The Church at the funeral of Domingas Arriaga at the Evangelical Church of Bandim.

Discipleship Program

Decipleship program at the Embassine Evangelical church

In this ocasion, the churhNesta ocasião, os membros discipulados receberam seus certificados de conclusão e manifedtaram alegremente, louvando o que Deus tinha feito 

The ladies praising God in the Church
Church Worship
Outdoor worship
During Test in Cacheu
Ladies' meeting
Funeral of Domingas Arriaga
March for Jesus
March for Jesus 2
March for Jesus 3
March for Jesus 4
March for Jesus 5
March for Jesus 6
Discipleship Program
Luke Gospel comunity check
Creole translation

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